Full Moon Chakra Journey-- A 9 Month Sacred Wisdom Pilgrimage

from £33.00 every month for 8 months

Meeting Monthly before the Full Moon

Date TBD…

4:30-6pm EST (NYC) | 9:30-11pm GMT (London)

A Virtual Wisdom Journey, supporting Balance, Resilience, Empowerment, and Heart Expansion as we work through the Chakras, connecting to the Divine, with the Magic of the Full Moon.

Each ceremony, we will ground into the medicine of our own Divine BEing with the support of flowers, stones & crystals, oracle cards, meditation, mantra, yoga, song, movement, and ancient Wisdom. Between sessions, additional resources (i.e. recipes, handouts, and recordings) will be shared to deepen the practice. 

The Chakras are our Energy Centers… serving as a vessel in this Earthly plane, in this human experience while maintaining our connection to the Divine.

Experiences in this life-time, generationally, and in past lives can impact our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Working intentionally with the Chakras can support movement towards health and wellness, bringing the body, mind and Spirit into alignment.

Starting with the Root and working our way to the 8th Chakra (the Soul-Star), we will journey through the central channel to support movement of stuck energy/blockages that interfere with us walking our Soul Purpose.

Our Journey

Friday, July 3

Root Chakra: Grounding into the Safety and Nurturing of the Earth Mother

Saturday, August 1

Lunar (Sacral) Plexus: Dancing in the Waters of Passion, Creativity, Pleasure & Worthiness

  • Connecting to the Collective Womb

Tuesday, September 1

Solar Plexus: Empowered & Confident—Connecting to the Fire Within

  • Lammas Ceremony

Wednesday, September 30

Heart Chakra: Moving through the Shadow of the Heart

Friday, October 30

Heart Chakra: Opening the Heart to Receiving

  • Samhain Ceremony—Connecting to the Ancestors

Sunday, November 29

Throat Chakra: Expressing our Sacred Truth

Tuesday, December 29

Third-eye: Seeing Beyond the Eyes

Wednesday, January 27 2021

Crown Chakra: Connecting to the Divine

Friday, February 26 2021

Soul Star Chakra: Aligning to the Truth of our Souls

Our Gatherings

We will gathering through Zoom, meeting in real time for 90 minutes from 4:30-6pm EST (NYC) | 9:30-11pm GMT (London) for 9 months. For those unable to participate in Real-time, recordings of the gatherings will be emailed and posted within the Facebook Group. In between our gatherings, we will support one another in the FB group. Further tools, resources, and practices will be shared within the FB group to support continued integration.

Lakshmi Subscription Boxes

To support and enhance the teachings and practices, you may choose to add a Lakshmi Subscription Box. Each month, you will receive a box filled 3-5 handcrafted, organically grown and wild harvested herbal and “witchy” goodies:

Tea blends, flower & stone essences, tinctures, essential oil roll-ons, body misters, bath soaks, smudge sticks, crystals…

An Invitation

Are you ready to transform your body, mind & Soul, connecting to the inner wisdom of the Divine to be more aligned, balanced, and walking in LOVE, Health, and Abundance?

If you feel called to connect in this space, I would be honored for you to join us!

Register Now

Meeting Monthly before the Full Moon

Date TBD…

4:30-6pm EST (NYC) | 9:30-11pm GMT (London)

A Virtual Wisdom Journey, supporting Balance, Resilience, Empowerment, and Heart Expansion as we work through the Chakras, connecting to the Divine, with the Magic of the Full Moon.

Each ceremony, we will ground into the medicine of our own Divine BEing with the support of flowers, stones & crystals, oracle cards, meditation, mantra, yoga, song, movement, and ancient Wisdom. Between sessions, additional resources (i.e. recipes, handouts, and recordings) will be shared to deepen the practice. 

The Chakras are our Energy Centers… serving as a vessel in this Earthly plane, in this human experience while maintaining our connection to the Divine.

Experiences in this life-time, generationally, and in past lives can impact our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Working intentionally with the Chakras can support movement towards health and wellness, bringing the body, mind and Spirit into alignment.

Starting with the Root and working our way to the 8th Chakra (the Soul-Star), we will journey through the central channel to support movement of stuck energy/blockages that interfere with us walking our Soul Purpose.

Our Journey

Friday, July 3

Root Chakra: Grounding into the Safety and Nurturing of the Earth Mother

Saturday, August 1

Lunar (Sacral) Plexus: Dancing in the Waters of Passion, Creativity, Pleasure & Worthiness

  • Connecting to the Collective Womb

Tuesday, September 1

Solar Plexus: Empowered & Confident—Connecting to the Fire Within

  • Lammas Ceremony

Wednesday, September 30

Heart Chakra: Moving through the Shadow of the Heart

Friday, October 30

Heart Chakra: Opening the Heart to Receiving

  • Samhain Ceremony—Connecting to the Ancestors

Sunday, November 29

Throat Chakra: Expressing our Sacred Truth

Tuesday, December 29

Third-eye: Seeing Beyond the Eyes

Wednesday, January 27 2021

Crown Chakra: Connecting to the Divine

Friday, February 26 2021

Soul Star Chakra: Aligning to the Truth of our Souls

Our Gatherings

We will gathering through Zoom, meeting in real time for 90 minutes from 4:30-6pm EST (NYC) | 9:30-11pm GMT (London) for 9 months. For those unable to participate in Real-time, recordings of the gatherings will be emailed and posted within the Facebook Group. In between our gatherings, we will support one another in the FB group. Further tools, resources, and practices will be shared within the FB group to support continued integration.

Lakshmi Subscription Boxes

To support and enhance the teachings and practices, you may choose to add a Lakshmi Subscription Box. Each month, you will receive a box filled 3-5 handcrafted, organically grown and wild harvested herbal and “witchy” goodies:

Tea blends, flower & stone essences, tinctures, essential oil roll-ons, body misters, bath soaks, smudge sticks, crystals…

An Invitation

Are you ready to transform your body, mind & Soul, connecting to the inner wisdom of the Divine to be more aligned, balanced, and walking in LOVE, Health, and Abundance?

If you feel called to connect in this space, I would be honored for you to join us!

Meeting Monthly before the Full Moon

Date TBD…

4:30-6pm EST (NYC) | 9:30-11pm GMT (London)

A Virtual Wisdom Journey, supporting Balance, Resilience, Empowerment, and Heart Expansion as we work through the Chakras, connecting to the Divine, with the Magic of the Full Moon.

Each ceremony, we will ground into the medicine of our own Divine BEing with the support of flowers, stones & crystals, oracle cards, meditation, mantra, yoga, song, movement, and ancient Wisdom. Between sessions, additional resources (i.e. recipes, handouts, and recordings) will be shared to deepen the practice. 

The Chakras are our Energy Centers… serving as a vessel in this Earthly plane, in this human experience while maintaining our connection to the Divine.

Experiences in this life-time, generationally, and in past lives can impact our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Working intentionally with the Chakras can support movement towards health and wellness, bringing the body, mind and Spirit into alignment.

Starting with the Root and working our way to the 8th Chakra (the Soul-Star), we will journey through the central channel to support movement of stuck energy/blockages that interfere with us walking our Soul Purpose.

Our Journey

Friday, July 3

Root Chakra: Grounding into the Safety and Nurturing of the Earth Mother

Saturday, August 1

Lunar (Sacral) Plexus: Dancing in the Waters of Passion, Creativity, Pleasure & Worthiness

  • Connecting to the Collective Womb

Tuesday, September 1

Solar Plexus: Empowered & Confident—Connecting to the Fire Within

  • Lammas Ceremony

Wednesday, September 30

Heart Chakra: Moving through the Shadow of the Heart

Friday, October 30

Heart Chakra: Opening the Heart to Receiving

  • Samhain Ceremony—Connecting to the Ancestors

Sunday, November 29

Throat Chakra: Expressing our Sacred Truth

Tuesday, December 29

Third-eye: Seeing Beyond the Eyes

Wednesday, January 27 2021

Crown Chakra: Connecting to the Divine

Friday, February 26 2021

Soul Star Chakra: Aligning to the Truth of our Souls

Our Gatherings

We will gathering through Zoom, meeting in real time for 90 minutes from 4:30-6pm EST (NYC) | 9:30-11pm GMT (London) for 9 months. For those unable to participate in Real-time, recordings of the gatherings will be emailed and posted within the Facebook Group. In between our gatherings, we will support one another in the FB group. Further tools, resources, and practices will be shared within the FB group to support continued integration.

Lakshmi Subscription Boxes

To support and enhance the teachings and practices, you may choose to add a Lakshmi Subscription Box. Each month, you will receive a box filled 3-5 handcrafted, organically grown and wild harvested herbal and “witchy” goodies:

Tea blends, flower & stone essences, tinctures, essential oil roll-ons, body misters, bath soaks, smudge sticks, crystals…

An Invitation

Are you ready to transform your body, mind & Soul, connecting to the inner wisdom of the Divine to be more aligned, balanced, and walking in LOVE, Health, and Abundance?

If you feel called to connect in this space, I would be honored for you to join us!