A Rebirthing…

April 7, 2020— On this Super Pink Moon, in a time of self-quarantine and uncertainty to what the future I’ve been reflecting on this past year. It has been full of grief, transition and uncertainty. These past few weeks have been waves of emotion, and grounding into the Heart Center and leading from LOVE versus fear, has provided the most clarity and support. The realities of the worries of physical and financial health for ourselves, loved ones, and communities are REAL and at the same time when finding ourselves operating from fear and anxiety, it gives us an opportunity to lean into faith and TRUST in the Divine, pushing through patterns, allowing us to ask for support and receive. Discomfort is often the greatest catalyst, an initiation that provokes change and TRANSFORMATION.

I’ve been using this time to ground into the presence with gratitude and to ask myself what in my life is operating from a space of Love and Health, and what is not working. This is a time to create a new “normal” from a place of wellness and sustainability— to be creative, to rest and care for ourselves and families, to re-connect to nature.

Embodied Rose has been a dream in the making. And as it continues to evolve regarding the how’s, what’s, and when’s, I am excited for the unfurling and to continue to lead from the Heart, the desire to be of SERVICE, and opportunities to share WISDOM and ceremony with others.

In gratitude,
